INSITEVIEW- - tom shugart's weblog

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Underwater Secrets

On the first night of Passover, my good buddy, Bill Brand, a reporter for the Oakland Tribune, was late in arriving for the Seder we were hosting for a number of guests. We didn’t want to start without him, so we filled the wine glasses, and enjoyed some pre-ceremony imbibing while waiting for Bill to show up.

In due course, Bill arrived, explaining that he had just come from the Bay shoreline where he was covering the story of the woman's body that had washed ashore just two days previously—coincidentally, right next to a trail that I hike regularly. Glad I wasn’t down there the day it floated in.

Bill took a seat next to me at the table, and we got underway. When the ceremonial part of the evening was concluded, we began the main dinner and socializing part of the evening.

Bill started to unload a little bit to me about his busy time down at the grim shoreline scene. The corpse had not yet been identified, but Bill knew more than the rest of us.

“We can’t report it yet, but the police know that it’s Laci Peterson. I’m not at liberty to tell you how they know. But look for an arrest tomorrow.”

Sure enough, the arrest followed, and yesterday, the Trib broke Bill’s story about what the police knew and how they knew it. An interesting, if sad piece of reporting.


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